A Love for Cooking Can Start Early

Sign Up for Our in Class Kids Cooking Class in San Diego, CA or a Virtual Class

Does your child already show an interest in cooking? If you want to help them explore the wonderful world of food and nutrition, sign them up for kids cooking class with Nourish Me Naturally for virtual or in personal classes in San Diego, CA.

I have a professional background in nutrition and always use fresh ingredients, so you can trust that your child will enjoy a delicious and nutritious meal while learning about the importance of healthy eating. Reach out to me today to book a cooking lesson for kids. Each lesson is about an hour and a half long and takes place at schools, institutions, and in homes.

3 Reasons to Enroll Your Kids in Cooking Classes

These cooking lessons for kids are more than fun activities to pass time in the afternoon. Your children will:

Discover healthier alternatives for their favorite foods, like how to make healthy french fries!

Learn about the importance of nutrition and how various foods help them grow

Have a blast while learning, which can instill a life-long love for cooking

Good eating habits start at a young age. Contact Nourish Me Naturally today to learn more about how my kids cooking classes can help your child understand the importance of eating healthy.

Look and Cook

A Healthy Cooking and Nutrition Education Class at Nourish Me Naturally!

Cooking can be a fun activity for children but when they learn along with it the value of good nutrition, it becomes a lifelong commitment to good health. A fruit juice popsicle is just as interesting, if not more than a store-bought one! In these classes, we make healthy versions of foods that kids enjoy and other nutritious recipes. We also discuss the nutritional value of foods through games, presentations, and fun activities or field trips. Let's work with our children to help them learn little tips and tricks and make sure our next generation knows what to pick.

*Materials for the class are provided*

Cooking and Nutrition Education Class

Join us every Saturday for nutrition in the kitchen at our location. We focus on cooking an entire recipe from start to finish and do a fun nutrition education activity. Kids ages 4-10 love 'Look and Cook'. The recipes include healthy versions of foods that kids enjoy and other healthy foods. We cook together with the idea of encouraging healthy eating and understanding that 'Healthy' can be 'Tasty' too!

*We also arrange classes for pre-schools or after-school enrichment programs and can come to your location, upon request.*

Virtual Cooking Class

Virtual Classes Are Held on Wednesday Evenings

Recipes, shopping list and Zoom link will be emailed upon signup. Please note to sign up early so you have time to shop for the ingredients. We will provide ideas for ingredient substitutions. The classes are interactive and I love to answer any questions kids may have. All recipes for virtual cooking classes will be simple, easy and centered around ingredients you have in your kitchen or those "easy" to find. All recipes are nutritious, flavorful and easy to replicate!

Look at EVENTS page for details.

Nutrition Education Classes in the Community

Helping the Community Learn Better Eating Habits and Making Better Lifestyle Changes!

Coming Soon!

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